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TruLine® Soffit

A soffit designed for buildings projects that need maximum ventilation

4x more ventilation than a standard soffit

With an NFA of 21.5, TruLine® is specifically designed to supply more air than any standard soffit, this makes it ideal for attics that are limited in their breathing room.

Not only does TruLine® has a higher number of perforations, but those perforations are deeper than those found on average soffits.

Product Details

Unique and Durable

  • The aluminium is paired with Titanium to provide even more strength

  • Prolongs the life of your shingles & reduces energy costs thicker paint finish that resists peeling, cracking, chipping or delaminating

  • 50% thicker than a standard sheet of aluminium soffit

Ventilation is what TruLine® is all about. When you enhance the ventilation, you enhance everything. With TruLine you can reduce the temperature in the attic, prolong the life of your roof and other building materials, reduce energy cost and help improve indoor air quality.

Inadequate Ventilation

Ventilation Inadéquate d'un Grenier

Adequate Ventilation

Ventilation Adéquate d'un Grenier